Articles by J. Chris Schofield
Found 2 Articles by J. Chris Schofield
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Biblical Prayer Patterns for Pastors & Prayer Leaders
This booklet is birthed out of a desire to serve pastors and prayer leaders as they lead group prayer sessions. I began the Wednesday evening prayer service by asking for specific prayer requests from the group as a whole. Thirty minutes later, we began to pray for the multitudes of requests given. Maybe this was an isolated experience, but after years of traveling across North America, in and out of mid-week prayer services, I believe it is more the norm than not.
That day will always be etched in my mind. I was praying at a missionary training center with a dear friend concerning the moving forward of God’s Kingdom through our children’s lives. Our praying was simple,yet very passionate and profound. Our hearts were broken and our desires were the same—“take our children and use them for Your glory, Lord.”Of course, the results of these prayers were yet to be realized, but we both understood the seriousness of the moment. Where would these prayers take our children?What would this mean regarding the focus of their particular mission involvement? The Lord knew the future,and we could only watch and wait to see how these prayers would be answered in and through our children’s lives.
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